Life Drawing

life drawing sketches made by Renske de Kinkelder

A quick peek at some of today’s sketches made with my life drawing group. Made with brush, indian ink and an ink wash.

10 ways to help you succeed your 365 days project

photo of open sketchbooks filled during a year

Last year on the 4th of june I challenged myself to draw and share these drawings on instagram everyday. Today marks 371 days in a row. (see the overview here) There were 10 things that helped me stay focused:

97 days of drawing

This last June and July I’ve spend travelling in the US. A great experience, and it was nice to take such a long break. Expending your horizons can be so refreshing. While some things are similar there’s lots of new things to discover. On the first day there I started to sketch something from my day, like a visual diary. …