boek 'hier komen baby's vandaan' Clavis, illustraties Renske de Kinkelder

Full-colour omslag en binnenwerk illustraties (64 pagina’s) voor een samenleesboek over seksuele voorlichting. Uitgeverij Clavis Books, Augustus 2020. Full colour bookcover and interior illustrations (64 pages) for a book on sexual education for kids. Clavis Books Publishing, release august 2020. This books was also translated to Danish, by publisher turbine.

boekomslag Het geheim van Meester Daan, Clavis, illustratie Renske de Kinkelder

Boekomslag en 10 zwart-wit illustraties binnenzijde voor Uitgeverij Clavis. Verschijning april 2020. Full colour book cover illustration and 10 black and white interior illustrations for Clavis Books Publishing house. Release april 2020.

Leren lezen met Kip en Muis, Clavis Books, Dec. 2017 For Clavis Books I illustrated this book (learn how to read with Chicken and Mouse), written by David Vlietstra. Find it on their website here: It is a book where adults read aloud together with their kids, each has it’s own text, suited for children aged 6 and up. …

I illustrated this book for Clavis Publishing. Released in August 2019. 64 pages. Here a sneak peek of two spreads: