Portrait of an Illustrator

NAK #8

At last, I can finally reveal the portrait I made of Elmar Noteboom for a newspaper called De Nieuwe Arnhemse Krant.

Two months ago, december of 2014, I was asked to participate in an interview for De Nieuwe Arnhemse Krant. The objective was to have 6 illustrators, all from Arnhem to discuss illustrations, changes in generations and the creative climate in Arnhem.

This edition is finally released!

The 5 other illustrators included: Kees de Boer, Hester van der Grift, Anka Kresse, Abe Borst and Elmar Noteboom. The interview took place at Funny Farm Studios, a great excuse to have a look inside this cute old building.

To accompany the interview we made portraits of each other.

This is the portrait I made of Elmar Noteboom:

Portret Elmar Noteboom door Renske de Kinkelder

I chose to portray him this way because he told us he liked to share his illustrations with everyone, when we discussed rights issues.

Abe Borst made a portrait of me, after discussing the end of the world and what to do when a zombie apocalypse would strike us 🙂 I love it!

Portrait Renske by Abe Borst

Check out more work of Abe here.

Work of Elmar Noteboom can be found here.


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